From Gem City Market to the Business Legacy Fund, we celebrate Power in Numbers!

Hey there! It's been a while since we gave an update. And a lot has been happening. First and foremost, we want to give an enormous shout-out to our sister organization Co-op Dayton who just celebrated the Grand Opening of Gem City Market, a worker-and community-owned grocery store with over 4000 community owners! An inspiring example of how people can come together and make things happen, in this case sticking together for over 6 years and raising 5 million dollars to bring their dream to reality and to end a food desert! Co-op Cincy and Apple Street Market are proud that we could support their transformative efforts. To hear more about Gem City Market and Co-op City, you can listen to this WVXU story "Dayton's Co-op Market Builds On A Playbook Developed In Cincinnati."

In other news, Co-op Cincy's team is growing! We hope you can help us find our next two hires - a Communication and Development Program Manager and a Business Legacy Fund Acquisition Program Manager. Curious what the Business Legacy Fund is? Scroll down to learn more. You will find other cool things as well like an update on Power In Numbers: Co-op U for Black-led Co-ops. We hope you can join us for their Pitch Night on July 6! You'll find the latest from our network of co-ops, some upcoming events, and a few great resources! Enjoy :)

Announcing Business Legacy Fund Acquisition Program - Two Opportunities

Co-op Cincy’s multimillion-dollar business transition fund launched with the Seed Commons is wrapping up its inaugural cohort of 6 companies that have been exploring converting to worker ownership since January of this year, one of which hopes to be transitioning by the fall. Now the fund is kicking off an exciting new Acquisition Program to complement the Transition Program in partnership with the African American Chamber of Commerce, Minority Business Accelerator, Greater Cincinnati Microenterprise Initiative, and All-In Cincinnati.

We are hiring a full-time experienced Business Legacy Fund (BLF) Acquisition Program Manager to lead a sophisticated search to find, analyze, and acquire businesses that will be a good fit for transition to worker ownership. To apply for the BLF Acquisition Program Manager please send a resume and cover letter to Ellen Vera.

We are also seeking 3-5 experienced entrepreneurs of color to be a part of our BLF Acquisition Cohort, which includes a Cooperative Business Management Certificate, a dynamic supported search to acquire a business, acquisition financing, and the opportunity to become the Cooperative CEO of one of these newly acquired companies, leading their transition to worker ownership. To apply for the BLF Acquisition Cohort, individuals can fill out our application online at this link.


Power in Numbers: Co-op U for Black-led Co-ops is underway

The first Power in Numbers Black Co-op U cohort launched in April with five Black-owned co-ops participating for an opportunity to compete for funding, compliments of Common Future. The five extraordinary businesses are attending sessions designed to help them build successful worker-owner co-ops through intensive training on everything from co-op history to creating and refining viable business models, to co-op governance. Training is contextualized from an African American perspective. Reaction from the cohort has been overwhelmingly positive so far. A diverse array of co-ops are represented. They are A Touch of TLC Home Healthcare; Body by Bodgi, a swimsuit retailer; HopesFulfilled, a food truck; Queen Mother’s Market, a healthy alternative food store; and T-Shirts Unlimited, a manufacturer of customized T-Shirts. On July 6, all co-ops will pitch their business ideas to a panel of judges who will select the co-op that presents the best business case to receive a $10,000 award.

Co-op Updates :

Our Harvest is celebrating its extraordinary community of supporters who have recently come together to raise nearly $8K to help Our Harvest get a new tractor! The team is deeply appreciative and also, excitingly, the team is growing. Our Harvest welcomed two more worker-owners - Tim Burns and Tia Coleman! In addition, for the past 8 weeks, OHC has been working with 15 Swahili-speaking refugees with agricultural experience who are learning some of the ins and outs of sustainable farming in the US. OHC has been highlighted by the media a few times this year. You can check out the most recent story in City Beat here: Cincinnati's Our Harvest Cooperative CSA Provides Produce from Local and Sustainable Farmers .

Queen City Commons, surpassed their 2020 collection weight around the 1-year anniversary of starting collections (beginning of May)! Meaning they are on track this year to at least double their 2020 collection! They were just featured on Channel 5 WLWT! Also, they moved to a sliding-scale payment model for their residential drop-off, plus they also have buckets available for residential members, making composting accessible for everyone! They are working on finding more drop-off locations within the central Cincinnati area. Right now they are serving OTR, Walnut Hills, and Northside, and you can find them every week at the Northside Farmers Market.

Sustainergy - Since receiving a new loan from Seed Commons in March the co-op has increased capacity, operating with 2 full crews, and is hiring another team member! Apply today!!

A Touch of TLC Home Health Care Services They have been participating in Power in Numbers Co-op U and have had their first co-op retreat which has helped them to get clearer about their next steps for building their cooperative business. They are accepting new customers!

Renting Partnerships opened 2 new residential units on Chalfonte Place! See the beautiful before and after pictures on their website. Rental Equity is resident-controlled housing created by Renting Partnerships, a nonprofit organization, to address root causes of social and economic inequality. It provides a new option for people left out of traditional ownership to build financial equity. They restore existing housing, keep it permanently affordable and facilitate a thriving community that participates in management and earns a financial return.

Cincy Cleaning Co-op The cleaning co-op has added more service days to its schedule, since early May. You can book with them from Monday-Saturday (except for Tues). This group has slowly but steadily made its way up, providing a great service while supporting the Hispanic community here in Cincinnati by giving them dignified jobs with living wages!

Apple Street Market is in a tough place. After spending 2020 searching for a viable location, according to market studies, there are only 2 possible locations in the neighborhoods of Northside and South Cumminsville. Both are owned by private developers who have so far been unwilling to work with Apple Street. It is unclear how a fully financially viable grocery store can move forward in the near term, so Apple Street members are beginning to explore the possibility of a buying club with some other neighborhoods interested in improving food access. Apple Street is also beginning to explore the model being used by the non-profit small grocery store opening in Lower Price Hill this July. For more information on the buying club, contact Kristen.


June 25 -Shifting Power, Meeting the Moment: Worker Ownership as a Strategic Tool for the Labor Movement sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing and the Center for Innovation in Worker Organization, Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations. RSVP TODAY TO JOIN ON JUNE 25th

Power in Numbers Pitch Night July 6 at 6 pm via Zoom (email Cynthia Pinchback-Hines to get an event link). Be prepared for some powerful pitches from dynamic Black-Owned Co-ops that are launching!

SAVE THE DATE! Union Co-op Symposium convened by Co-op Cincy and 1worker1vote will be held on November 12 & 13! Help shape it. Fill out this survey here. We will decide if it is virtual or in-person or some combo in July.


Democratic Management: A Practical Guide for Managers and Others - Check out this helpful resource developed by the School for Democratic Management at the Democracy at Work Institute!

Learn more about the PRO (Protecting the Right to Organize) Act and how it may be a generational opportunity!