Kaizen is a Japanese methodology of continuous incremental improvements. With the support of their CUCI mentor, Sustainergy workers have been trained in the art of identifying improvement opportunities, suggesting solutions, implementing them and making them sustainable. An essential component of worker-ownership is being able to propose solutions and see them through. Sustainergy definitely lives up to that standard.This month four projects were presented.
On the administrative side of the equation, Lindsey developed a better system to organize documents and paperwork at the office, while Flequer re-designed the job estimation process to reduce the time it takes him by 25 minutes. On the energy efficiency installation side, Yovany and Cristian worked on the outside of the truck adding a rack to carry the ladder reducing space inside the truck and the risk of damaging equipment and materials, while Andrew worked on new shelving and organizing bins to carry tools, equipment, and materials in the truck saving them space and time. Next month a new set of projects will start by identifying new improvement opportunities. The Kaizen ball is picking up speed and we hope it turns into a snowball of success for them. If you want to be part of this dynamic team, they have a job opening!