Childcare Co-op News

CUCI is partnering with Tech Solidarity, a group of tech workers out of Silicon Valley that are putting their skills to good work on progressive projects throughout the country. Tech Solidarity has chosen CUCI—and more specifically, Care Share, one of our childcare projects—as the main nonprofit that they are supporting.

A contingent from CUCI traveled to Silicon Valley on May Day to help tech workers think through how they can structure their tech companies and startups as co-ops. We were also able to recruit volunteers for our childcare project.

Right now CUCI has one Care Share group that's up and running: a group of four families each paying $7/hour per child who have hired a caregiver as an employee for $17/hour with benefits to care for and educate their children for 40 hours per week in one of the parents’ homes. We have been able to expand access to personalized care while still paying the provider a living wage, and now we are working to scale the model. Volunteers of Tech Solidarity will each spend a week in Cincinnati collaborating with CUCI to develop a web platform that helps parents connect with one another to form a Care Share.

Be on the lookout for this exciting app and more information about how you can start your own Care Share group!