Ramping up with even more healthy local food

When COVID-19 hit, the worker-owners at Our Harvest Cooperative found themselves in an interesting position. They were still able to do their work, physically-distanced in the fields, but pick-up sites around the region closed their doors, leaving them without the ability to distribute the food. At the same time, disruptions in the national and global supply chain made it clear that the need for local food was greater than ever. The farmers at Our Harvest also knew that organic vegetables that come from their soil are a great way to support healthy immune systems.

Our Harvest pivoted by setting up a more limited number of drive-through and outdoor pick-up sites, instituting additional safety measures for the distribution process, and increasing production of their local, organic produce. Up from 168 boxes per week over the winter, Our Harvest now delivers 300 weekly harvest boxes to community members, donates over 25 boxes per week to the food shelves at CAIN and Gabriel’s Place, in addition to its other food access efforts. Our Harvest worker-owners are currently preparing for delivery of 100 additional produce boxes to seniors each week! 

“In a time like this, I feel safe knowing that Our Harvest has greens and roots in the ground, and thousands of seedlings for the Spring and Summer plantings. We are working up fields, preparing hoop houses, and getting all our equipment ready for a full-on production blitz.” 

--Stephen Dienger, Farm Manager, quote from April