CUCI October Update – Mexican Union Symposium Keynotes and how solidarity and non-extractive funding structures are helping co-op networks thrive!

For National Co-op Month we have some exciting, inspiring and tough updates with grants, the effects non-extractive (and extractive) loans, and what amazing acts of solidarity and struggle can achieve.


We are a month and a half out from the Union Co-op Symposium and are excited to announce our keynote speaker from the Mexican Electrical Union (SME) who will talk about their 10 year fight to take back their electrical plants and turn them into worker cooperatives. Get your ticket to the symposium to learn from first hand from them!

In other news, September was a bittersweet month for CUCI. We said a heartfelt goodbye to our Financial Analyst and Co-op Business consultant, Andrés Contreras, who moved back to his home country Venezuela. On a happier note, we were excited to find out we were awarded a Refugee Agriculture Partnerships Program government grant for $100,000 per year 3 year grant along with Our Harvest, Refugee Connect and Catholic Charities of SW Ohio to train and support new refugees in agriculture and forming cooperative businesses.

A few other exciting highlights include:

  • CUCI is going to unveil our new logo with our new name Co-op Cincy next month.

  • Cincy Cleaning Co received a $15,000 start up loan from Seed Commons.

  • CareShare released their new logo.

  • Co-op Dayton’s co-op grocery store Gem City Market had their groundbreaking this month

  • Symposium Hotel deal ends Oct. 17th