It's our 10-year anniversary!

Will you help us continue our work?

Last month, Co-op Cincy celebrated its 10-year anniversary! We can’t believe how much time has passed.

During the last decade, we have accomplished a lot. We have promoted worker-ownership, nurtured a co-op network, and ensured individuals had the chance to build wealth while pursuing their dreams.

We began by meeting Sunday nights at my house. Since then, we have:

  • helped launch & support 14 co-ops

  • developed co-op training courses & materials

  • taught thousands of people about worker-ownership

  • hosted 4 union co-op symposiums with hundreds of participants

  • started a loan fund with Seed Commons to finance worker-ownership transitions & support existing co-ops

Will you make a donation to help us continue expanding worker-ownership?

Co-op Cincy Executive Director Kristen Barker, Sustainergy Worker-Owner Flequer Vera, & Co-op Cincy Founding Member Phil Amadon.

Co-op Cincy Executive Director Kristen Barker, Sustainergy Worker-Owner Flequer Vera, & Co-op Cincy Founding Member Phil Amadon.

The last year

The last year has been a trying one. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic and recession, we have continued our important work of supporting family-sustaining jobs. Through our Business Legacy Fund, we have helped Shine Nurture Center, a child care center in Cincinnati, begin transitioning to worker-ownership.

Shine has grown into a successful child care center since its founding in 2015, with 12 workers and a waiting list that typically includes 70 families. Now that Shine has a strong foundation, the owner, Katie McGoron, wants to return to school to complete her PhD. Katie is excited to sell Shine to her workers so the child care center can continue offering its services in the community. 

Will you make a donation to help more businesses like Shine adopt the worker-ownership model?

Shine Nurture Center is transitioning to worker-ownership through our Business Legacy Fund.

Shine Nurture Center is transitioning to worker-ownership through our Business Legacy Fund.

A worker-owner story

Nayeli Roblero was unaware of the worker-ownership option when she immigrated to Cincinnati from Guatemala at age 16. In the years that followed, Nayeli had five children and separated from her husband. While working long hours as a cleaner, she learned of the Cincy Cleaning Co-op, one of the worker-owned businesses in our network. In 2020, Nayeli joined the co-op and became a worker-owner. 

“I feel supported,” said Nayeli. “I’ve always had a dream of owning a business and bettering myself.” 

Will you make a donation to help more workers like Nayeli become worker-owners? 

Nayeli Roblero is a worker-owner of Cincy Cleaning Co-op.

Nayeli Roblero is a worker-owner of Cincy Cleaning Co-op.

In these times of economic precarity and soaring inequality, we especially need your help.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us continue our work:

*Check 'Make it Monthly' to become a sustaining partner

Your gift will help us nurture and support worker-owned businesses through training, technical assistance, and direct loans. With your gift, you will help us build an economy that works for all!


Kristen Barker 
Executive Director 
Co-op Cincy